
Composite bonding can work wonders for your smile. Using materials that match the shade, translucency and the texture of your teeth, gaps between teeth can be closed, spots and discolorations can be eliminated, and your self-confidence can be enhanced through the improved appearance of your smile.

Composite bonding is excellent for small defects in the teeth -- spots, chips, or gaps between teeth.

The major advantage of composite veneers is treatment time. If composite is used, the veneers can be done in one appointment. The dentist will actually make the veneer directly on the prepared tooth. The veneer is then smoothed and polished to look like your natural teeth. Since it takes only one appointment, you can leave your dentist's office with a brand new smile. One of the disadvantages of composite veneers is that they are not as strong as those made of porcelain and therefore are more prone to fracture. However, if a fracture does occur, they can be easily repaired because the same material that was used initially to make the veneer can be added in the same manner to fix it. Another disadvantage is that the color, although stable, is not as stable as the same restoration made with porcelain. This means that over time the veneers may get darker or turn yellow. Eventually, this change in color can warrant the replacement of the veneers.

How Do I Care for My Teeth After Bonding?

While the bonding materials are very durable, they still can chip and may need to be replaced periodically. Avoid excessive pressure such as chewing ice, hard candy or unpopped popcorn kernels. Bonding materials are susceptible to staining from tobacco, coffee, tea and berries. Alcohol and acid-containing foods such as vinegar, tomatoes or pineapple can damage the resin.

Regular dental check-ups are important for maintaining good dental health and natural-looking teeth.